Is Consulting a Good Career Choice? - An Expert's Perspective

Are you considering a career in consulting? It can be a great choice for those who are looking for a challenge and don't want to be stuck in the same job for too long. Consulting offers an excellent opportunity to earn more than your colleagues in other industries, but it also comes with a lot of pressure. Customers' demands can be overwhelming, and if you're not prepared for that or don't want to work hard, it won't be the right fit for you. If you value lifestyle or work-life balance more than professional exposure and long-term growth potential, then consulting may not be the best choice. It's not always economical for young professionals who work 9 to 5 in the city of XYZ to travel every weekend with their own money.

I recently had a conversation with someone about what young professionals should know if they are considering a career in consulting. This lifestyle has its pros and cons, but consulting can open up a set of unique doors when it comes to managing relationships that are often overlooked. I asked the same question to a former CEO of mine, who had been working as a consultant since he began his career. He made the transition in and out of the industry, but he always found a way to return to consulting. He said that consulting is great for people who get bored easily and want to face challenges.

If you can succeed in consulting, you can succeed anywhere, so he always wanted to be under pressure. He also said that being able to work in consulting deserves all the attention, flattery and bureaucratic procedures that come with it. As a consultant, you'll have the chance to influence the functioning of large, massive, and influential organizations around the world. It's just a job, but everyone needs to accept some kind of work and consulting can offer you opportunities that not many professions offer. I've been a consultant for 25 years and I'm here to tell you that it's not what you think it is.

Companies usually hire consultants because they want to go through some kind of change and seek guidance and advice. If you're looking for one of these huge consulting firms and value the rapid rise, make sure to think carefully about that dynamic. Professionals who lack a strong work ethic or can't work long hours often don't succeed in consulting. If you're considering a career in consulting, there are some important things to consider before making your decision. You need to be prepared for the pressure that comes with this profession and understand that it may not be the best choice if you value lifestyle or work-life balance more than professional exposure and long-term growth potential.

Additionally, it's important to have a strong work ethic and be willing to put in long hours if you want to succeed as a consultant. If you have any questions about consulting or your career path, don't hesitate to contact me directly.